How to Stop Overthinking

Overthinking (also known as contemplation) refers to over-obsessing over past or future situations or problems. It usually takes the form of analyzing situations from multiple angles, analyzing them over and over again until you start feeling stressed or anxious. While thinking about the situation thoroughly can help you make informed decisions, overthinking can harm your emotional well-being.

There are many reasons why people tend to overthink. Mental health conditions, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), often lead to persistent worries about the future. Awkward interpersonal interactions and day-to-day failures can also cause anyone to reflect on what went wrong in hindsight. However, overthinking can reduce your quality of life, so finding strategies to stay in the present moment can help reduce anxiety.

Look for a Place to Distract Yourself

Perhaps the easiest way to break out of overthinking is to distract yourself. Direct mental distractions include doing simple mental arithmetic, making a list of objects in a particular category, or singing. The physical activity you can take could be reading a book, listening to music, or calling a friend.

In one study survey, nearly half of respondents said they would use distractions to deal with overthinking. In fact, the most common coping strategy they report is distraction. Most participants also reported that they worry and think less when they interact with other people. That’s why it can be helpful to call a friend or spend time with a loved one.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of focusing on the present moment without judgment. It refers to being aware of and acknowledging what is happening inside and outside of oneself at all times. Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. A common way to practice mindfulness is to try meditation, focus on your breath or observe your environment and point out what you see.

Meditate with Mantras

When you think of meditation, you may think of sitting quietly and trying to empty your mind completely. However, meditation can take many forms. One of these forms is chanting mantras over and over again, either mentally or aloud. Focusing on a single word or phrase can change your mind and avoid overthinking. Meditation is especially helpful if you choose a phrase that is particularly encouraging or calming for you.

Challenge Your Ideas

People who suffer from depression often view past events in a more negative light than reality. However, those who are anxious may fear that future events will be more challenging or scary than they actually are. When you’re thinking too much, it’s important to ask yourself if your thoughts reflect the reality of the situation you’re in.

Surveys show that positive self-talk and rethinking with a more optimistic attitude can help reduce overthinking. Ask yourself if your negative thoughts are true and if your good friends will express them in the same way. Then try to rebuild them.

Think About Positive Memories

Because overthinking often manifests itself as negative thoughts, it’s important to remember that there have been times when things have gone well. Think back to a time when you were successful, felt happy, or were praised by others. Turning your thoughts toward more positive memories can help break the cycle of negative contemplation. If you’re having trouble remembering, ask your family or friends to help you. They will most likely effortlessly remember the moments when everything went well with you.

Use Breathing Techniques

Sometimes overthinking is intentional, but sometimes thoughts can repeatedly go against your will. These are known as intrusive thoughts. High stress can exacerbate intrusive thoughts, and stress and intrusive thoughts combine to work well with sleep problems and other health issues. This creates a cycle that is hard to break.

Breathing exercises are one way to help calm the mind and reduce stress. Try a breathing pattern in which you inhale, hold, and exhale for the same amount of time several times in a row. You can choose the time of each breath that works for you, but some experts recommend 4 to 5 seconds per breath.

Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation, a technique that first tightens each muscle group in the body and then relaxes, has also been shown to help manage stress. Try to start at the top of your head and work your way down through different muscle groups. Alternatively, you can start with your feet and work your way up. Tense each muscle group for a few seconds, then relax before moving on to the next muscle group.

Focus on Your Senses

Focusing on one or more of the five senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch) can help you stay grounded in the present moment and free you from the cycle of overthinking. Try to make a list of one or more things that you notice with each of your senses. For example, if you’re outside, you can:

  • See a flock of trees
  • Smell neighbors cooking
  • I hear the sound of children playing in the distance
  • Try a snack you’ve eaten recently
  • Touch the ground with your foot

Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal, or writing down your thoughts and reflections, can help lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that rises as stress increases. Since contemplation usually occurs at night and causes insomnia, nighttime may be the ideal time to keep a journal. Writing down your thoughts may convince your brain that it can stop thinking in a loop.


It has been proven that physical activity has many benefits for both physical and mental health. For example, exercise releases chemicals in the body, bringing feelings of relaxation and calm. It may also require you to enter a different physical environment, which can help you change your thinking patterns. Finally, regular exercise can improve sleep, which is important because poor sleep can exacerbate intrusive thoughts.

Make a Plan

If your overthinking is feeling overwhelmed due to responsibilities or upcoming projects, try breaking them down into separate tasks. Thinking about all of this at the same time can lead to a circular mindset that will never get you moving forward. Once you’ve identified those tasks that are overwhelming you, create a plan of action for each one.

Write down each task and the specific steps you need to take to complete it. Plan to handle one thing at a time. Then, you can start taking small actions that make you do more and think less. Delegating tasks to others can also help reduce stress and anxiety if you can. For example, if you have to wash dishes, consider asking your partner or family member to help.

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